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如果你還在考慮Zion Health, 古方粘土天然皂,河春,10.5盎司(300克床的世界)這個商品的話,我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買,就可以囉~~
- 100% Clay & Vegetable Based
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Many years ago, there was a bubbling river speckled with brilliantly-colored fish. So sweet was its water that animals from all over came to drink. Among these was a giant moose who drank so much that the water level began to fall. The other animals knew something needed to be done but all were intimidated by the moose's substantial size. All, that is, except the tiny fly. Everyone jeered at the thought of such a small animal defeating such a large one, but the fly would not be deterred. He landed on the moose and began to bite. Eventually, the moose tired of the biting and decided to leave, never tobe seen again. And, in time, the stream was restored to its original sparkling splendor.
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